
A person-centered health application (2013)

MeKeeper is an app that provides users with immediate and secure access to essential personal medical information, including medications, allergies, immunizations, lab results, etc. As a person-centered ehealth management tool, MeKeeper enables individual ownership of said information without unnecessary data found in other apps. In an era of multiple care providers, MeKeeper also allows patients to move between providers without leaving their health information behind.

MeKeeper is currently in production and is the outcome of my participation in the 2013 Hacking Health Hackathon in Vancouver, BC. Our interdisciplinary team consists of designers, developers, and physicians. An active member of the team, my focus is on primary and secondary research, user studies, and user experience/interface design.

Visit for more information.

Collaborators: Tobias Ottahal, Eric Cadesky, Amir Moghadam, and Sarah Kraynick